Sunday, July 21, 2019

There is no HOMO-Sexuality

There is no Sexuality between men (nor between women).
The word "Sexuality" was coined in contradistintion from A-Sexuality.
That "sexuality" got a new meaning about a hundred years later,
is irrelevant.
It's just stupid to give a VERY different meaning to a well established word,
when there are already many words for that (eros, lust, arousal, foreplay, afterplay, sensuality ...)

Just like "radical" means "to the roots, from the roots" and not "extremist",
just like "inter-ntional" means not "foreign" nor "cosmopolitan" nor "un-american" nor global,
(there is trade between nations, there are flights between nations, but people can not be between nations.)
"sexuality" does not means "eroticsm", nor "sensuality",
sexuality only exists between two sexes!

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